What Mount Everest is to Climbers, the Oscar is to Actors, the Vince Lombardi is to Football players, the World Cup to Soccer players. The pinnacle of achievements is what most everyone strives to attain.

So for fashion photographers to be published in PLAYBOY would be a dream come true. It’s a rareย  accomplishment indeed particularly in the ultra competitive field of model and fashion photography. Come to think of it, it’s probably even more difficult to get into Playboy Thailand as Farlang photographers based out of Pattaya city. A city that rarely receives the credit it deserves.

The stigma attached to Pattaya is mostly negative and this is utterly inaccurate because the media never shows the good side when there are a lot of positive things going on here. The mainstream will never promote Pattaya without discontent and 1st world tourist destinations will never allow Pattaya to be mentioned in the same breath or sentence with them. Now, there are some legitimacy to those privileged sector claims but cracks are beginning to appear in these gate keepers rule. This is because people from all over the world are discovering that Pattaya is great place to visit, vacation and live let alone party and no one can stop them from coming… except that fukin Virus.

Now without falling off track lets go back to what this blog post is about. Can you imagine in under 2 years of photographing some of the most beautiful girls in Pattaya and Bangkok City, Digital Mints managed to get our photo’s featured in PLAYBOY Thailand.

Seeing our photo’s next to the PLAYBOY Logo was a very surreal experience.

Every year since 2019 PLAYBOY Thailand holds a photography & video contest and we felt very honored and fortunate to have our photos selected for submission. As photographers and videographers we consider this a tip of the hat acknowledging our work, this was our Mount Everest, Vince Lombardi, World Cup moment. Thank you PLAYBOY Thailand.

This little company of ours Digital Mints was launched 8 months (June 19,ย  2018) prior to this achievement and in that time period we busted our asses shooting at most of the premier venues in Pattaya. We’ve always believed in creating quality imagery over quantity and we’ve proven this by taking Pattaya’s media content game to the next level. We’re the first here in Pattaya to have our photos presented in PLAYBOY Thailand for their 2019 Awards contest. We’re the first in many things here that changed the way bars, clubs and AGoGos present their media. It feels good and its a complement when we see people copying our style.

"POOKIE" #95 - Dollhouse Pattaya

Pookie one of the girls you will find on our profile for the 2019 Playboy Awards. She is from Doll House Pattaya in Soi 15. Pookie’s eyes can not be missed she’s a beautiful spirit and for a someone who has never modeled before she can hit the poses like a pro. Guess selfies do have some benefit haha.

Pookie, from Dollhouse Pattaya located in Soi 15.

"Nice" #191 - Skyfall Agogo | Walking Street, Pattaya

Next up Nice from SkyFall AGoGo on Walking Street. People who have been to Walking Street know SkyFall is one the most Premier Venues in town. The girls here are top shelf level and Nice is one those girls that has the vixen appeal with the undeniable pretty and captivating smile. Her energy is contagious and spunky she is always in a positive mood and you can’t help but want to be around that.ย ย 


Connect with Skyfall

"May" #231 - Living Dolls Showcase | Walking Street, Pattaya

Now for May she really doesn’t need much explaining. The photos speak for themselves. She is a finely put together woman with curves and an unforgettable face. She again like all the girls we photograph have this energy among them that is more than just their sexy appearance. You really have to take our word for it and be lucky enough to meet them one day. Basically you really should book that ticket to Pattaya it will change your life for the better.

Living Dolls Showcase



Upon having our photo’s being selected for the 2019 PLAYBOY Thailand Awards its seemed to have upset some local’s in the industry because when we told the news to our clients that their girls were going to be featured on PLAYBOY’S website – naturally they were very excited and so were the girls.

To be featured with the PLAYBOY Thailand brand in Thailand is a very complementary achievement for some – but boy did the local drama go into overdrive as we will cover this story in a future blog post.

If you want to have a laugh and find out what hissy fits took place you can read up on Part 1 and Part 2 of ‘Why the New Website?